Energy Conscious ConstructionIcon: Building with leaf underneath.

Application Deadline

  • Spring: November 15
  • Summer: March 15
  • Fall: July 15

Class begins

  • Spring: January 8, 2024
  • Summer: May 6, 2024
  • Fall: August 19, 2024

Degree Awarded

Master of Energy Conscious Construction

WSU College

Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture

Build For a Better Future

WSU’s Professional Master’s in Energy Conscious Construction (MECC) is offered 100% online, emphasizing high-performing, energy-efficient residential buildings, and covering all phases of the process from design through construction and post occupancy evaluation.

Knowledge in this field is paramount because residential housing is one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions and climate change, accounting for 23% of all energy use in the State of Washington. The state’s residential energy code is considered one of the most rigorous in the United States, upping requirements for energy efficiency in everything from windows to insulation, in an effort to combat carbon emissions and climate change.

DOE Recognition

The School of Design and Construction’s programs in Energy Conscious Construction are nationally recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Design Designation.

The designation recognizes education programs that are preparing building professionals in the design and construction of sustainable buildings and distinguishes those that teach zero energy design best practices. WSU was one of 14 educational institutions across the U.S. to receive the designation.

What You’ll Learn

The MECC curriculum prepares students for work in energy-efficient design and construction, aligning with Washington State’s initiatives to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings by tackling the following competency gaps:

  1. Energy modeling and simulation: Analyzing design performance prior to construction
  2. Environmental Control systems: Integrating energy-efficient ECS into designs
  3. Performance benchmarks: Meeting and exceeding state energy code requirements
  4. Assemblies & Structural Systems: Integrating high-performing assemblies and structural systems into designs
  5. Measured Performance Data: Evaluating built projects through field observations
  6. Smart Building Technologies: Understanding human behavior impacts on building operation

The program also includes a one-semester comprehensive design experience, a culminating capstone project that integrates and applies the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the degree program.

Program Strengths

The interdisciplinary design of WSU’s MECC includes courses from the School of Design and Construction, the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Washington State University’s nationally recognized Extension Energy Program.

Courses are rooted in the fundamentals of building science coupled with the latest industry standards in design, analysis, codes, systems, assemblies, and performance evaluation.

The online program…

  • Opens doors for professionals in design & construction, engineering, and inspection and maintenance.
  • Allows students from anywhere in the world to enroll in classes and successfully complete the degree without coming to campus.
  • Offers access to course content during the evening hours online so that individuals with jobs can attend lectures without compromising their work.

Get Started

To apply for the program, you’ll need to meet all WSU graduate school admission requirements, including a bachelor’s degree in a related field with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher. International applicants must meet all international student requirements including English proficiency. GRE is not required for admission.

For complete admissions information and to apply, visit the WSU Graduate School website. Current certificate students who decide to pursue the master’s degree should contact the Graduate School at 509-335-1446 or

If you have questions about the curriculum, please contact Omar Al-Hassawi at If you have admission and recruitment questions, please contact Treva Beebe Rice at

Program of Study—30 semester credits

All courses are available online
This non-thesis program requires the completion of 30 credits of coursework, including a 4-credit capstone project. The MECC Degree is open to everyone with an undergraduate degree in Design, Engineering, or Construction fields from WSU or outside WSU.

  • SDC 541 – Energy Codes, Standards, Rating Systems (3)
  • ME 483 – Fundamentals of Building Science (3)
  • ARCH 493 – Environmental Control Systems I (3)
  • SDC552 – Energy Modeling II (3)
  • ID 520 – Human Centered Building Design & Operation (3)
  • SDC 511 – Field Inspection and Energy Auditing (4)
  • ME 579 – Environmental Control Systems II (3)
  • ARCH 531 – Envelope Assemblies (3)
  • 600-level – Independent study (1)
  • SDC 513 – Comprehensive Design Experience (Capstone) (4)


This degree program is based upon work funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Building Technologies Office (BTO) Award Number DE-EE0009746

Related Certificates

Global Campus offers these related undergraduate certificate programs that you can consider pairing with your engineering degree.