Electrical Power Engineering (PSM)Icon: three windmills on a hill.

large dam with water coming through spillway

Application Deadline

  • Spring: November 15
  • Summer: March 15
  • Fall: July 15

Class begins

  • Spring: January 6, 2025
  • Summer: May 5, 2025
  • Fall: August 19, 2024

Degree Awarded

Professional Science Master’s
in Electrical Power Engineering

WSU College

Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture

Enhance Your Skills. Energize Your Career.

WSU’s Professional Science Master’s (PSM) in Electrical Power Engineering combines advanced technical courses with professional management training to help students achieve high-paying employment. 

An innovative and relatively new type of degree program, a Professional Science Master’s, or PSM, trains students in an advanced scientific/engineering field while also teaching them the skills to be leaders and managers in a professional environment.

What You’ll Learn

Graduates will gain both an in-depth knowledge of electrical power engineering and the managerial skills needed to advance in the industry. Engineering courses cover power systems analysis, power system economics, electricity markets, transmission systems, distribution systems, renewable energy resources, performance of power systems, power electronics, power system protection, and high-voltage engineering. Business courses range from law to finance to project management.

The 30-credit program also includes an industry-based internship project, designed to provide real-world experience and valuable networking connections. This, plus the combination of core technical and business courses with flexible electives, means you will be uniquely qualified to meet the increasing demand for power engineering leaders with both technical skills and professional management training.

WSU Electrical Power Engineering Program Strengths

  • WSU master’s in power systems engineering faculty from the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture includes recognized experts in all areas of electrical power engineering, including a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and four faculty members who are fellows of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
  • PSMs are respected degrees that are highly valued by employers looking for skilled scientists who can also function as leaders and managers in their organization.
Photo: Wind turbines generating renewable energy.

Get Started

To apply for the program, you will need a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or the equivalent. You can find more details on the admission requirements on the program website. If you have any questions, please contact the program coordinator at psmpower@wsu.edu or 509-335-5379.

Program of Study—30 semester credits

The program requires the completion of 30 credits of coursework including 18 credits of power engineering courses, 9 credits of professional courses, and 3 credits of a capstone project course (internship). For more detailed information, please visit the program website.