
Formal minors provide recognition of a degree-seeking student’s knowledge in a discipline outside his or her major. The minors below list courses to fulfill the various minor requirements which are currently offered through Global Campus. For information about minors and other courses that can be used to fulfill minor requirements visit the WSU Catalog.

In order to pursue a minor a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be admitted to a major
  2. Complete a minimum of 16 semester hours
  3. Complete at least 9 hours of upper-division coursework (300/400-level courses) at WSU
  4. Meet additional GPA, credit, courses, and other specific requirements as outlined for the minor listed below or in the WSU Catalog

Global Campus Minors

Required (18 semester hour credits)

At least 9 of the credits must be taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses, and at least 9 hours must be at the 300-400 level. A minimum of 12 credits must be taken for a letter grade and a minimum GPA of 2.00 is required in the minor coursework.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

  • Required courses; choose three from the following (9 credits)
    • ANTH/AIS 320 [DIVR] – Native Peoples of North America
    • CES 171 [SSCI] – Introduction to Indigenous Studies
    • HISTORY 308 [DIVR] – North American Indian History, Precontact to Present
    • HISTORY/POL_S/ANTH 410 – History of American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Indian Law
  • Elective courses; choose three from the following (9 credits)
    • CES 379 – Indigenous Film
    • ART 301 – Arts of Native North America
    • CES 271/MUS 265 [HUM] – Native Music of North America
    • HISTORY 410 – History of American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Indian Law
    • ANTH/AIS 327 [DIVR] – Contemporary Native Peoples of the Americas
    • ANTH 331/AIS 331 [SSCI] – Archaeology of the Americas

The following elective courses are not offered at Global Campus: Anth 334, 535, CES 372, 373, 470, 475.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

A grade of C- or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A minor in anthropology requires a minimum of 18 credits, including three of the following: ANTH 101, 203, 230, and 260. At least 9 credits must be 300-400-level work taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor. 

The at-risk youth minor prepares students to work with youth by focusing on coursework in youth and society, delinquency, and social control. It will complement the training of students in various academic focuses by helping them understand youth in their social context, and the pressures that contribute to delinquent and deviant behavior.

  • Required (12 credits)
    • SOC 352 – Youth and Society (offered online in Fall)
    • SOC 360 – Social Deviance (offered online in Spring)
    • SOC 362 – Juvenile Delinquency (offered online in Fall)
    • SOC 368 – Drugs and Society (offered online in Fall)
  • Electives (6 credits)
    • SOC 346 – Sociology of Education (not offered online)
    • SOC 351 [DIVR] – The Family
    • SOC 361 [DIVR] – Criminology
    • SOC 367/CRIM_J 365 – Juvenile Justice and Corrections

Required (20 semester hour credits)

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

An asterisk (*) indicates courses not offered through WSU Global Campus.

  • Required (12 credits)
    • BIOLOGY 106 [BSCI] – Introductory Biology: Organismal Biology (4 credits)*
    • BIOLOGY 107 [BSCI] – Introductory Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics (4 credits)*
    • BIOLOGY/MBIOS 301 – General Genetics (4 credits)
  • Choose 8 credits from the following courses offered through WSU Global Campus
    • BIOLOGY 330 – Principles of Conservation
    • BIOLOGY 372 [M] – General Ecology (4 credits)
    • BIOLOGY 393 [M] – Professional Communications in Biology (2 credits)
    • BIOLOGY 405 – Principles of Organic Evolution
    • BIOLOGY 475 – Systems Biology of Reproduction
    • BIOLOGY 499 – Special Problems (variable credits, maximum of 2 can be applied to this minor)

Required (18 semester hour credits)

Note: Students who wish to pursue a business administration minor must be pursuing a major outside the Carson College of Business. If you are admitted to a business major, you may earn a minor in Hospitality Business Management.

To be admitted into the Business Administration minor, students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Complete 27 credits
  • WSU cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 and not on academic probation

Students must maintain an overall GPA of at least a 2.50 in the business administration minor courses.  

A minimum of 9 credits of upper-division coursework must be taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. 

Up to 6 credits may be transferred from another institution. 

The minor in business administration requires a minimum of 18 credits of Carson College of Business coursework (ACCTG, B_LAW, ENTRP, FIN, I_BUS, HBM, MGMT, MGTOP, MIS, MKTG), including:

  • B A 100
  • ACCTG 220 or 230
  • MGMT 301 or HBM 381
  • Any two upper-division Carson College of Business courses (excluding 498 and 499 courses)
  • Any one Carson College of Business course at any level

Required (18 ECONS credit hours, 9 of which must be 300/400-level)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required over all of the courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required (18 credits)
    • ECONS 101 [SSCI] – Fundamentals of Microeconomics
    • ECONS 102 [SSCI] – Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
    • ECONS 320 – Money and Banking
    • ECONS 321 – Economics of Sports in America
      ECONS 305 – Intermediate Microeconomics without Calculus
    • ECONS 327 – International Trade and Finance
    • ECONS 404 – Economics for Managers (offered Summer only)

Required (18 semester hour credits)

To be admitted to the minor, students must have earned 60 semester credits and have a 2.7 cumulative GPA.

Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain in the minor.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

  • 18 credits in course work offered in COM, COMJOUR, COMSOC, or COMSTRAT courses
    • 9 of these credits must be 300-400 level and taken in residence at WSU
  • Students may seek approval for one course to count toward the minor through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A minimum of 9 credits must be upper-division (300-400 level) and taken in residence at WSU.

No course for the minor may be taken on a pass/fail basis.

  • Required (3 credits)
    • CRM_J 101 [SSCI] – Introduction to the Administration of Criminal Justice
  • Choose five courses from the following offered through WSU Global Campus (15 credits)
    • CRM_J 201 – Introduction to Criminological Theory
    • CRM_J 205 [EQJS] – Advancing Justice: Addressing Power and Inequity in the Justice System
    • CRM_J 311 – Research Methods for Criminal Justice
    • CRM_J 320 – Criminal Law
    • CRM_J 321 – Quantitative Methods for Criminal Justice
    • CRM_J 330 – Crime Control Policies
    • CRM_J 365 – Juvenile Justice and Corrections
    • CRM_J 370 – Policing and Society
    • CRM_J 380 – Criminal Courts in America
    • CRM_J 381 – Crime and Justice in the Movies
    • CRM_J 385 – Institutional Corrections
    • CRM_J 400 [M] – Special Topics in Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • CRM_J 403 [CAPS] – Violence Toward Women
    • CRM_J 405 [M] – Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
    • CRM_J 420 [M] – Criminal Procedure
    • CRM_J 450 [M] – Senior Seminar: Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

Additional CRM_J courses may be periodically available online

Required (18 semester hour credits)

The DTC minor requires 18 semester credits comprised of 5 required courses and 1 additional DTC course of the student’s choosing. A DTC minor can be declared after a student has completed 60 semester credits at Washington State University and declared their major outside of DTC.

Required courses include:

  • DTC 101: Introduction to Digital Technology & Culture
  • DTC 201: Tools and Methods for Digital Technology
  • DTC 336: Multimedia Design
  • DTC 355: Introduction to Web Design & Development
  • DTC 375: Language, Texts, & Technology
  • and one additional course from the following:
    DTC 335, 356, 435, 477, 478 OR
    ART 331, 332, 333, 363, 434, or 435. 

To apply for a minor in DTC, fill out and submit the online application.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required over all of the courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required (18 credits)
    • ECONS 101 [SSCI] – Fundamentals of Microeconomics
    • ECONS 102 [SSCI] – Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
    • ECONS 302 – Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
      ECONS 320 – Money and Banking
    • ECONS 301 – Intermediate Microeconomic Theory with Calculus
      ECONS 305 – Intermediate Microeconomics without Calculus
    • Two 300/400-level ECONS electives are required
      • Only three hours of ECONS 497 or 499 may be used to fulfill the upper-division ECONS electives requirement

Required (18 semester hour credits)

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required in all courses used to fulfill the minor.

Note: Because WSU undergraduates take either ENGLISH 101 or 198 as graduation requirements, these courses may not be used for the minor in English.

  • Required (3 credits):
    • ENGLISH 302 [M] – Introduction to English Studies
  • Choose at least 15 ENGLISH semester credits (excluding ENGLISH 101 and 198), 6 of which must be 300/400-level 

Required (16 semester hour credits)

Of these 16 credits, 9 must be in upper-division work taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

  • Required courses (7 credits)
    • SOE 110 [BSCI] – The Environment, Human Life, and Sustainability (4 credits)
    • SOE 444 – Environmental Assessment
  • Choose three courses from the following (9 credits)
    • BIOLOGY 372 [M] – General Ecology (4 credits)
    • SOE 210 [PSCI] – Earth’s History and Evolution (4 credits)
    • SOE 285 – The Science and Policy of Climate Change
    • SOE 300 [M] – Natural Resource Ecology
    • SOE 312 [DIVR] – Natural Resources, Society, and the Environment
    • or any advisor-approved elective

Required (16 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

Students must have a minimum GPA of at least 2.0 in the required courses.

Exceptional students may take graduate-level courses with instructor permission. Courses used for the minor in geospatial analysis may not be used for the minor in soil science. At least 9 credits must be 300-400-level work taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.

*Courses offered through Global Campus

  • Required (10 credits)
    • SOIL SCI 368*
    • SOIL SCI 374*,
    • SOIL SCI 468*/568 (4 credits)
  • Choose an additional 6 credits from the following
    • AGTM 305
    • AGTM 405 (2 credits)
    • CPT S 111
    • MIS 250*
    • SOE 446*
    • SOE 464
    • SOE 486

Required (18 semester hour credits, including nine upper-division at WSU)

This minor is ideal for students who are currently working on a Social Sciences degree, and who have satisfied the necessary prerequisites for courses required for the minor.

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

An asterisk (*) indicates courses not offered through WSU Global Campus.

  • HD 405 – Gerontology
  • 15 credits from:
    • HBM 270 – Exploring the Business of Aging
    • HBM 497 – Special Topics (work with HBM advisor)*
    • H_D 308 – Adult Development
    • H_D 360 – Death and Dying
    • H_D 384 – Prevention and Intervention in Human Development
    • H_D 385 – Perspectives in Human Services
    • KINES 264 – Fitness Concepts*
    • MGMT 101 – Fundamentals of Business*
      MGMT 301 – Principles of Management and Organization (cannot receive credit for both courses)
    • PSYCH 320 – Health Psychology
    • PSYCH 363 – Psychology of Aging
    • PSYCH 490 – Cognition and Memory
    • SOC 351 [DIVR] – The Family
    • SOC 356 – Sociology of Aging and the Life Course*

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A minimum of 9 credits must be upper-division (300-400 level) and taken in residence at WSU.

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

Required (6 credits)
  • SOC 334 – Medical Sociology (offered online in Spring)
  • SOC 340 [EQJS] – Social Inequality (offered online in Spring)

Choose at least 12 additional credits of electives from the following courses available through Global Campus:

  • ANTH 304 [SSCI] – Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Mental Health and Illness
  • ANTH 405 – Medical Anthropology
  • PHIL 365 [HUM] – Biomedical Ethics
  • PSYCH 310 – Work, Stress, and Health
  • SOC 101 [SSCI] – Introduction to Sociology
    SOC 102 [SSCI] – Social Problems
  • SOC 251 [DIVR] – The Sociology of Sex, Relationships, and Marriage
  • SOC 351 [DIVR] – The Family
  • SOC 368 – Drugs and Society
  • SOC 384 – Sociology of Gender
  • SOC 385 [EQJS] – Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
  • SOC 493 – Internship (max of 3 credits may apply to the minor)

Note: Additional electives may be offered at other WSU campuses.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A grade of C or better is required in all courses.

  • Choose at least 18 HISTORY credits, 9 of which must be 300/400-level

HBM Minor Certification Requirements

To be admitted to the HBM minor, students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Complete 27 semester credits
  • WSU cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and not on academic probation

The minor in hospitality business management requires a minimum of 19 credits of coursework, including:

  • ACCTG 230 – Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • HBM 101 – Professional and Career Development for the Business World
    HBM 401 – Career Management
    • HBM 401 is only taught during the Fall semester
  • 9 credits of upper-division (300/400-level) HBM courses (excluding 498 and 499 courses)
  • 6 credits of College of Business courses at any level
  • Students must maintain an overall GPA of at least 2.50 in courses required for the HBM minor
  • A minimum of 9 credits of upper-division coursework (300/400-level) must be taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses
  • Up to 6 credits may be transferred from another institution.

In addition, students must complete 400 hours of internship/industry experience to earn the minor. In order for hours to count for the requirement, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Hours must be worked after high-school graduation;
  • All hours must be documented as paid;
  • Hours must be worked at a company whose primary source of revenue is derived from hospitality services; and
  • The employer evaluation for the hours must reflect an average of 80% across the ratings criteria on the form.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A maximum of 3 credits of H D 485 may apply to the upper-division requirement of the minor. Coursework must include a minimum of 9 credits of 300-400-level courses taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.

A cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required (9 credits)
    • H_D 101 [SSCI] – Human Development Across the Lifespan or transfer equivalent
    • H_D 204 [SSCI] – Family Interactions
    • H_D 220 – Human Development Theories
  • Choose an additional 9 H_D credits from the following list
    • H_D 300 – Child and Family Violence, Abuse, and Neglect
    • H_D 301 – Family Stress and Coping
    • H_D 302 – Parent-Child Relationships
    • H_D 306 – Child Development
    • H_D 307 – Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
    • H_D 308 – Adult Development
    • H_D 320 [M] Resource Management
    • H_D 341 – Guidance in Early Childhood Programs
    • H_D 350 [DIVR] – Family Diversity
    • H_D 360 – Death and Dying
    • H_D 385 – Perspectives in Human Services
    • H_D 403 [CAPS] – Families in Poverty
    • H_D 405 – Gerontology
    • H_D 406 – Work and Family
    • H_D 408 – Advanced Adolescent Development
    • H_D 430 [M] Professional and Grant Writing Skills
    • H_D 479 – Planning and Evaluation in Human Development
    • H_D 482 – Child Assessment and Evaluation
    • H_D 485 – Participation in Human Development Research (maximum of 3 credits)


Additional electives are offered at other WSU campuses: H_D 334 and 480.

Note: Students who wish to pursue a human resource management minor must be pursuing a major outside the Carson College of Business.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

In addition:

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor
  • Up to 6 credits may be transferred from another institution

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

  • Required (15 credits)
    • MGTOP 215 – Business Statistics (4 credits)
      PSYCH 311 [QUAN] – Statistics in Psychology (4 credits)
    • MGMT 301 – Principles of Management and Organization
    • MGMT 450 – Personnel and Human Resources Management
    • MGMT 455 – Recruiting and Hiring Human Capital
    • MGMT 456 [M] – Evaluating and Rewarding Employees
  • Choose one course from the following
    • H_D 205 [COMM] – Developing Effective Communication and Life Skills (4 credits)
    • MIS 250 – Managing Information Technology

Required (18 semester hour credits)

The minor in Modern Global Issues examines modern world events/themes/issues in the United States, Europe, and the non-Western world and admits students from all majors who have completed 60 credits.

The minor requires a 2.0 GPA and a minimum of 18 credits.

These courses must be taken in residence at WSU, through WSU Global Campus, or through departmental approval of education abroad or educational exchange courses.

*Course available via Global campus

  • Required courses
    • HISTORY 105 or HISTORY 305*
    • HISTORY 121.
  • Four elective courses (12 credits) may be taken from the following:
    • Gender:
      • HISTORY 335*
      • HISTORY 369
      • HISTORY 399*
    • Race & Ethnicity:
      • HISTORY 235
      • HISTORY 250
      • HISTORY 273
      • HISTORY 280
      • HISTORY 339
      • HISTORY 360
      • HISTORY 361
    • Conflict:
      • HISTORY 319
      • HISTORY 334
      • HISTORY 364
      • HISTORY 366*
      • HISTORY 378
      • HISTORY 436*
      • HISTORY 474
    • Inequality:
      • HISTORY 230
      • HISTORY 315
      • HISTORY 332
      • HISTORY 410*
      • HISTORY 426
      • HISTORY 342
      • HISTORY 436*
    • Environment:
      • HISTORY 294
      • HISTORY 409
    • Pop Culture & Information Technology:
      • HISTORY 309
      • HISTORY 320*
      • HISTORY 322*

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A minimum of 12 credits must be taken from WSU.

A GPA of 2.0 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required (9 credits)
    • POL_S 101 [SSCI] – American National Government
    • POL_S 102 [SSCI] – Introduction to Comparative Politics
    • POL_S 103 [SSCI] – International Politics
  • Choose 9 POL_S 300/400-level credits

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required
    • PSYCH 105 [SSCI] – Introductory Psychology
  • Electives
    • PSYCH 311 [QUAN] – Statistics in Psychology (statistics strongly recommended; 4 credits)
    • Various upper division (300/400-level) PSYCH courses

Required (18 semester hour credits)

All courses are 3 credits, unless noted.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better is required in all courses used to fulfill this minor.

  • Required (6 credits)
    • SOC 101 [SSCI] – Introduction to Sociology
    • SOC 320 – Introduction to Social Research
      SOC 317 – Research Methods in Sociology**Global Campus student approved substitution
  • Electives (select 12 SOC credits)
    • 9 credits must be 300/400-level taken in residence at WSU
    • Only 3 credits of SOC 493 may apply to the minor

Required (16 semester hour credits)

Sixteen credits in soil science are required, at least 9 of which must be in 300/400-level courses taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.

  • Required
    • SOIL_SCI 201 [BSCI] – Soil: A Living System
    • One credit of Soil Science-related experiential learning: SOIL_SCI 495 – Research Experience, SOIL_SCI 498 – Professional Internship, or SOIL_SCI 499 – Special Problems

Contact the soil science advisor for other soil science options.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

This minor requires 18 credits, with at least 9 credits at the 300-400 level taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses.  A 2.0 GPA is required in the minor and no courses may be taken pass/fail.  Students wishing to apply for the minor may do so with the School of Economic Sciences.

The minor is comprised of ECONS 326, one course from each of the following four aspect areas, and one additional course of your choice from any of the aspect areas.

  • ECONS 326 – Aspects of Sustainable Development

Policy, history, and theory

  • HISTORY 409 – American Environmental History
  • PHIL 370 – Environmental Ethics
  • POL S 430 – The Politics of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy
  • PSYCH 466 – Environmental Psychology
  • SOE 335 – Environmental Policy and Law
  • or SOE 438 – Environmental Policy and Law


  • ARCH 490 – Seminar in Architectural Design
  • ARCH 494 – Seminar in Urban and Regional Planning
  • BIOLOGY 330 – Principles of Conservation
  • BIOLOGY 372 – General Ecology
  • CE 401 – Climate Change Science and Engineering
  • CROP SCI 360 – World Agricultural Systems
  • SOE 110 – The Environment, Human Life, and Sustainability
  • SOE 285 – The Science and Policy of Climate Change
  • SOE 300 – Natural Resource Ecology
  • SOE 303 – Environmental Geology
  • or SOE 483 – Sustainability: Applied Improvement or Promotion Projects


  • ANTH 203 – Global Cultural Diversity
  • ANTH 309 – Cultural Ecology
  • ANTH/SOC 418 Human Issues in International Development
  • SOC 331 – Population, Resources, and the Future
  • SOC 332 – Sustainability and Society
  • SOC 415 – Globalization
  • SOE 312 – Natural Resources, Society, and the Environment
  • WGSS 332 – Global Feminisms
  • or WGSS 460 – Gender, Race, and Nature in American Culture


  • ECONS 330 – Natural Resource Economics
  • ECONS 427 – Economic Development
  • ECONS 428 – Global Capitalism Today: Perspectives and Issues
  • ECONS 430 – Managing the Global Environment
  • ECONS 431 – Economic Analysis of Environmental and Natural Resource Policies
  • or I BUS 380 – International Business

And one additional course from any of the aspect areas.

Required (18 semester hour credits)

The minor in War and Society addresses political, social, economic, and cultural impacts of war.

The minor requires 18 credits, 9 of which must be taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. 

A grade of C or better is required in all course work for the minor.

*Course available via Global campus

  • Approved courses include:
    • HISTORY 285
    • HISTORY 316
    • HISTORY 318*
    • HISTORY 319*
    • HISTORY 345
    • HISTORY 349*
    • HISTORY 366*
    • HISTORY 368*
    • HISTORY 386
    • HISTORY 387
    • HISTORY 388*
    • HISTORY 390*
    • HISTORY 391

Required (18 semester hour credits)

The Workplace Diversity minor is designed for students and professionals with the aim of preparing them for increasingly diverse and global workplaces. It increases intercultural understanding, skills, and provides evidence of those skills to prospective or current employers. The minor is useful for individuals across majors and disciplines who are or expect to be in management positions or who work with diverse colleagues, clients, customers, patients, or students.

All courses are 3 credits. Must include 9 credits of upper division (300-400 level) work taken in residence at WSU.

  • Required (9 credits)
    • SOC 341 – Inclusive Workplace Leadership (offered online in Fall)
    • ANTH 203 [DIVR] – Global Cultural Diversity
      WGSS 101 [EQJS] – Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
    • SOC 340 [EQJS] – Social Inequality (offered online in Spring)
  • Elective (9 credits)
    Choose three courses from the following.
    • ANTH 316 [DIVR] – Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective
    • ANTH/POL S/SOC 418 – Human Issues in International Development
    • COM 321 [DIVR] – Intercultural Communication
    • COM 421 [CAPS] – Intercultural Communication and Globalization
    • PHIL 365 [HUM] – Biomedical Ethics
    • POL S 305 – Gender and Politics 
    • POL S 340 – Introduction to Public Administration
    • PSYCH 309 – Diversity in Organizations
    • SOC 334 – Medical Sociology
    • SOC 384 – Sociology of Gender
    • WGSS 385 [EQJS] – Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies

Students also have the flexibility to count a maximum of three internship credits as elective credits, if approved by the faculty coordinator.