
As science expands medical boundaries, society faces tough new questions on such topics as assisted suicide, genetic testing and stem cell research.

WSU’s online Graduate Certificate in Bioethics program teaches students how to weigh competing social and individual interests using ethical theories. The certificate enhances employment opportunities in three main areas:

  • Health care, including the bio-tech industry as well as hospitals, nursing homes, and public health organizations.
  • Legal work, including law firms, hospital consulting, bioethics centers, medical societies, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
  • Academic, including such fields as philosophy, anthropology, biology, history, politics, and sociology.

Program of Study—9 semester credits

All courses are available online

Required Courses

  • PHIL 520 – Seminar in Ethical Theory
  • PHIL 530 – Bioethics (2 credits)
  • PHIL 535 – Advanced Biomedical Ethics
  • PHIL 600 – Special Projects or Independent Study (1 or more credits)

9 semester credits

The Graduate Certificate Program in Bioethics requires a minimum of nine credit hours. Eight of those hours are in the core courses. The additional credit is to be completed by directed study or by additional coursework.

How to Apply to WSU

Students seeking to earn this certificate as part of a WSU graduate program must be admitted to the Graduate School, fulfilling all of the Graduate School requirements and standards. Students already enrolled in a graduate program at WSU will automatically be eligible to pursue this certificate.

Visit the Graduate School Certificate in Bioethics factsheet page to apply.

Awarding of the Certificate

At the beginning of the student’s final semester of coursework, the student should apply for the certificate through myWSU. This will notify the Registrar’s Office to confer the certificate. Here’s how: From the myWSU Student Homepage, select Academic Advising, then Apply to Graduate. The certificate should display as an option to select to Apply for Graduation. Certificates require a separate graduation application and are mailed separately from diplomas.