Executive Meeting Agenda – January 20, 2021

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Executive Meeting Agenda

Date: January 20, 2021
Time: 4:30 p.m. PST
Location: Zoom

2020/2021 ASWSU Global Executive Board

  • President: Gina Vasquez
  • Vice President: Heather Leasure
  • Director of Academic Affairs: Nigeria Tyler-Williams
  • Director of Finance: Laud Williams
  • Director of Legislative Affairs: Samantha Fakharzadeh
  • Director of Student Events and Promotion: Chelsea Rollins
  • Director of Communications and Compliance: Altessia Endencia
  • Director of Diversity: Andrea Ashmore
  • Director of Resources: Alexis Edwards
  • Advisors: Andria Donneworth and Angela Bonner


  • 4:30 PM: Call to Order (Gina)
  • 4:30 PM to 4:40 PM: Roll Call and Introduction (Gina)
  • 4:40 PM to 4:45 PM: Vote on Meeting Minutes from 12/16 (Gina)
  • 4:45 PM to 4:47 PM: President’s Report (Gina)
  • 4:47 PM to 4:49 PM: Vice President’s Report (Heather)
  • 4:49 PM to 4:51 PM: Director of Academic Affairs’ Report (Nigeria)
  • 4:51 PM to 4:53 PM: Director of Finance’s Report (Laud)
  • 4:53 PM to 4:55 PM: Director of Legislative Affairs’ Report (Samantha)
  • 4:55 PM to 4:57 PM: Director of Student Events and Promotion’s Report (Chelsea)
  • 4:57 PM to 4:59 PM: Director of Communication and Compliance’s Report (Tessa)
  • 4:59 PM to 5:01 PM: Director of Diversity’s Report (Andrea)
  • 5:01 PM to 5:03 PM: Director of Resources’ Report (Alexis)

Open Items/Items for Discussion

Vote on Hello Fresh Budget Proposal (Chelsea)

Vote on Migration to Presence (Tessa)

Discussion: Contact Us on Website (Andrea)