Technology and Innovation

Graphic: Closeup photo of laptop keyboard with Enter key changed to crimson LEARN key.

Staying on the cutting edge

Since 1992, WSU Global Campus has been on the cutting edge of innovation in distance and online learning techniques. Though technology can never replace the expertise and dedication of skilled faculty members, it can empower them to enhance their teaching techniques to improve engagement, foster impactful learning, and increase student success.

An investment in innovative learning technology is an investment in our future. By staying on the cutting edge, we enhance the learning experience and outcomes for students for decades to come.

For years, the Learning Innovations team at Global Campus has provided technological and pedagogical support to faculty looking for ways to overcome common teaching challenges. Technology can help them address a multitude of situations, including serving as an early warning system to identify at-risk students, providing an immediate back-up plan for unforeseen situations, and increasing connection and engagement with students in large enrollment courses. Technology tools are critical in providing the fully online degrees that Global Campus offers. 

In todays rapidly advancing technology landscape, it is of paramount importance that we take advantage of the best of the new and innovative learning technologies available. By investing in innovative technology and infrastructure, we can enhance the learning experience for all Global Campus students.

Would you like to be a part of an initiative that will keep Global Campus students thriving as we look toward a bright future? Give to the Global Campus Technology and Innovation Fund today!